Skillando Digital Volunteering

bridging digital divides

Skillando works for the digital democracy, against the digital divide

With digital volunteering activities, we support no profit organizations, schools, social ventures and communities around the globe


Tunapanda Institute

We taught coding to the youth of Kibera, one of the bigger slum of Nairobi



We supported this social venture in marketing strategy, content creation and website design



We helped this no profit org in business design, social media strategy and blog set up


Addiopizzo Travel

We designed the online AirBnb experience for this italian social venture during the lockdown


Fondazione Near

We supported this Milan based community in blog setup, SEO and content creation


Italian Tour

We travelled by bycicle for six weeks around Italy supporting six no profit organizations


Fondazione Archè

We provide digital literacy lesson to immigrant women hosted by Fondazione Archè


Online Digital Support

We lunch our online digital service support trought Google Meet live session


LEF for life

We teach website design and digital marketing to the kids of the LEF orphanage

Have you ever think about becoming a digital volunteer?

We'll keep you posted about the next missions directly in your inbox!

Volunteering hours
People engaged
Organization supported

Unlock your potential!

Some stories from our volunteers and social innovators after this life-changing experience

Gianmarco Marinello

Founder of Nainami

“ These crazy guys support our NPO for 14 days here in Nairobi: they totally change our approach adopting the lean startup methodology and growth hacking to scale our business. At same time we spend very good times drinking beers! ”

Luca Barboni

Growth Hacker

“ Honestly I was a bit scared about moving to Nairobi but, in the end, I can say it has been the best experience I ever live in my life! Working in a different environment and culture forced me to think and act differently! ”

Francesco Cianfarani

Content Strategist

“ I can say I will remember this experience for the rest of my life and, every time I told about this program, people were super engaged even if someone didn't think it was possible! ”

Sanam Jain

Founder of Bridgecultures

“ The Skillando team moved to Bangalore for ten days to support my organization: these guys were super skilled and eclectic, from business design to marketing strategy. I really loved their support! ”

Roberto Verde


“ I attended two volunteering missions and I can say this has been the most exciting, challenging and growing experiences I ever did in my life. It is a changing mindset journey that lets you discover more about yourself ”

Paolo Marazzi


“ I became addicted to digital volunteering! I got super engaged during the first mission in Nairobi: meeting and working in a new culture pushed me to trough my comfort zone to make memorable things ”

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We'll keep you posted about the next missions directly in your inbox!

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Who we are looking for

First of all: you join us not just to take some selfies but beacuse you wanna get things done


We usually deal with web design and skills in this context are required: in short, you must at least know how to build a landing page!


We build campaigns, strategies and positioning for the organisations we help: you need to have a minimum of experience and willingness to get your hands dirty.


We are looking for volunteers who have skills as content creators, who can write engaging copy and emotional videos.

Growth Hackers

You have to be able to think outside the box, be able to build marketing strategies, be obsessed with data and performance!

Data nerd

This is what we call all those volunteers who work with data, analytics and algorithms to streamline processes and digital products.


We always need designers who can create memorable experiences, products and services for the organisations we support.

Join us

Apply now to join our next volunteering mission!